

I tend to hold. I had the experience with HXD. After I stopped loss, it went up and up. Given the market is in a panic emotion already,

maybe I should hold it until next bounce. I have paid a lot for bad timing stop loss. For student stock buyer, maybe it's easier to hold and buy more assuming ETF won't go null.
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  • 现在有必要再看一下TSX十年趋势图(现在已经跌破趋势)。请大家就图形各抒己见。
    • 等OPEC会议结束,做H*D
      • 什么时候结束?
        • 正在进行。声明估计周四出来。But,市场普遍认为,不会减产。这就是为什么昨天下午能源部分突然放出天量下跌。
    • 谈谈我的愚见


      • support I think this time it will go 8K!
      • 听君一席话,胜读十年书, 感觉你很有见第. 
    • 今日SPTEN跳空向下,留下一个缺口。由于昨日有效跌破重要支撑360,今日的缺口很想逃逸缺口。昨日,今日都放天量。可以猜测后市很坏。关键看今日收盘,能否翻盘
      • It.Uncle and Jim, is it too late to stop loss on HXU? Or should I buy HXD to at least lock my loss?
        • 很难回答。
          1。 昨日跌破12850,就应该只损。 至少不要变盈利为亏损。

          2。 我对镇这种做法部熟悉
        • At what price did you buy? hnu this time up 6 days from 11.5 to 13.7, good chance to escape.
          • HXU at $26.5, HNU at $13.0. I didn't unload them.
            • HNU 13.5 can sell to keep profit.
              • Thank you. I did it already.
        • 今天LEH大跌。几个金融机构都可能被清盘。但是美元继续坚挺。和金融无关的,与 能源无关的所有板块都在跌。市场的恐慌程度明显比上周五高。止损是预先设 定的,完全没有想到能源会如此下跌。感觉一次就跌过12000得概率会比较小。
          • I tend to hold. I had the experience with HXD. After I stopped loss, it went up and up. Given the market is in a panic emotion already,
            maybe I should hold it until next bounce. I have paid a lot for bad timing stop loss. For student stock buyer, maybe it's easier to hold and buy more assuming ETF won't go null.
            • 古往今来,割肉大概是股票市场里最尖端的课题。呵呵。
            • 市场里的人,没有老师和学生。都是趋势的信徒。我在低位开始1/3补回。
              • Ok. I had performed very bad since I jumped into the market last year. Almost all the stop loss was a mistake if I looked back after 2 months (at most). It's all about timing, timing and timing.
                BTW, I have psychological difficulty (lack of courage) to buy back the stock which I stopped loss in short term. This made me lose many chances too. You guys don't have this problem.
                • 当然有了。其实做股票是最熬煎人的。后悔药一锅一锅的。盈了是酸得后悔药,赔了 是苦的。
                  • Couldn't agree more. Regrets all the time - win or loss, that's my feeling. The only benefit is it adds a bit adventure feels into the boring life.
                    • 所以,股票人生过后,就是无悔的人生啊。还有什么比股票市场更"悔人无数"啊。哈哈哈。
            • 刚才做了个超短线。没办法,又要DT挽回损失了。你要是有时间,也可以做。从11: 12有一个反弹小趋势。到24.29结束。
              • Thank you. I don't have time. I am working in the office. Admiring, you could do daytrading while being an it.uncle.
                • 等我搬到温哥华就更好了。要么到客户那里上班,要么在HOMEOFFICE炒股票。但是每天保证早上有一段时间可以炒股票。你要是做DT的话,HXU看分钟图非常准。MA200(minutes)看阻力位。今天的底部已经出来了。因此赶紧挽回点
          • 很简单,FNM的今天,就可能使他们既各得明天。60折到6毛?谁不怕呀?呵呵。
      • 逃逸缺口的格局。 后市将很难看。再一次表明,不宜强反弹。
        • HGU很快到4,5块了吧?
        • 我觉得抄底跟趋势形成后买进的风险是一样的。其实抄底的时候,看分钟图,也也能 看出非常明显的趋势。但是小周期趋势有时会被大周期趋势干扰。如果一次失败,一 定要即时止损出局,进行第二次。总会抄到。
