

Here is the math, approximately.

AIG can sell its core assets for $180B, as estimated by others. Minus the $85B loan (equal to their bad loan loss?) from the government will leave them $95B. The market cap of AIG is only $13B now. So theoretically the share price could be 7 times more and $28/sh seems reasonable. That's why AIG shareholders want a quick sale of AIG without share dilution with the government.
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  • FRE BROKE 0.80$
    • is it a sign to buy
      • 但是还是有很多的卖盘,为什么股价还是升呢
        • 多方现在是蚂蚁搬家。很多人估计看到AIG上了5$,来分FRE。你一手,我二手的,就给分光了。哈哈哈,看着,真有趣。DOW被石油价格给打爬下了。FRE很快要和FNM同价格了。
    • upside is unlimited
      • heihei, I do not think so. Trash is trash.
    • 继续升啊,还在我的一半而已!
      • 现在进FRE 风险大吗
        • 但是FRE的量不够大,是不是说明阻力小呢
          • 买FRE是赌博。
        • FRE 不要问我,我是 FRE 的历史遗留物。个人感觉,要短线炒,不如 AIG,因为至少 AIG 还有股东努力支持(selling asset),FRE 已经屁都放不了一个
          • I feel more comfortable now as AIG is down 10% from the high today. I would buy on dip if I didn't hold enough shares.
            • AIG should be OK for the next 2-3 days, I am looking forward tomorrow, I just placed an order, 4.60, see if I can enter the field tomorrow opening. :D
              • 如果你想赌,就一定不要用太多的资金。目前AIG已经从底部上来了3倍了。风险真的非常大。目前坛子中大部人的持仓成本在2.7$,所以他们抗得住。如果要买,一定要看图买。这是赌博。
                • I bought AIG last week for gambling but now it seems the market has different sense. There are arguments that AIG worths at least $28 by just selling its assets.
                  • Could you provide link please. I prefer English( I know I am bad, I never trust Chinese Translator )
                • Here is the math, approximately.
                  AIG can sell its core assets for $180B, as estimated by others. Minus the $85B loan (equal to their bad loan loss?) from the government will leave them $95B. The market cap of AIG is only $13B now. So theoretically the share price could be 7 times more and $28/sh seems reasonable. That's why AIG shareholders want a quick sale of AIG without share dilution with the government.
                  • Could you provide the original? I need to verify the details.
                  • 如果你上面的信息不准确的话,会给散户带来巨大的损失。两房估计大户早就逃之夭夭了,现在里面全是赌徒在玩。而AIG的大户几乎没有时间逃跑,里面全是MM。因此,搞不好就是一个局。小心为上。如果股价真的上了10$,卖掉大部分,留一些赌无妨。
                    • Here is one link mentioning that AIG could be sold for $180B. You can do the rest of the math by yourself.
    • Your FRE is above $1
      • YES. I am making a lot
        of cents

      • Yes, I made tons of money
        • Good for you. It is 1.2. Doubled my entry price. But I do not have lot of shares.
          • why didn't u add yesterday
            • Risk control.
              • if you pridict it will touch 2$,then 1$ is very safe.right?
          • I am holding FRE 300,000 shares @average cost 0.38 now. what`s the target price for dumping? any comments?
            • Weeeeeeeeee. You really got guts. I do not know. But I think it will break 2$ in a week.
              • I think it may be the best time to dump today or tomorrow.
                • actually, I already dump 100,000 yesterday @0.85
                • I do not have too many shares. So I just keep it. Once it break 1.5, it will touch 2.0 in 1 day. But, the limit for short term 2$. Because WM is only 3.xx
            • any chance to see 2.00 today or tomorrow? 1.50 seems more possible?
              • 2$ is too difficult for today. Today should be somewhere between 1.25~1.30
            • Put $100K in a single penny stock. I admire you.
              • He must have at lease 1M in his account.
                • It is not about how much money in the account. It is about risk control.
                  • The risk control is about %. If he would like to spend 100K in penny shares, He must be a big money holder.
                  • And he must be very good at stocks. At least 10 years of experience.
                    • just follow this one: http://www.chinasmile.net/forums/showthread.php?t=111355
                      • just dump 90,000@1.33
                        • Nice move. Up 75% now. Unbelievable!
                        • sold 110,000@1.48
                          • 佩服啊。羡慕地口水横流。有胆识,厉害厉害。
                          • sold 100,000@1.42
                            • 好了,你暴赚了30万。你给我们这个论坛的同学都上了一课。高手啊高手。我SHARE也不多,我就继续等了。
                              • 赌呀,好几天没睡好觉了,还有50,000股FNM. 走的时候相互招呼一声额。
                                • 那你认为LEHMQ的走势会如何呢?
            • you could make another 1m from this stock, but now.........sigh
              • ??? 请把话讲完。你抛出了论点,在我们期待论据的时候,你却长叹一声。
                • 今天要能挺得住,不受太长上影线,那明天还有一冲,注意他的量,如超过3亿就要小心廖
                  • 多谢高手指点。请以后多来这里指导工作。
                • 不敢乱说,万一错了会被砖头拍S的,只是自己的感觉而已:政府抛了那么多钱出来,不大捞一把回去怎么能甘心?怎么安抚广大的穷苦百姓?当然这个时间段就不知道要多长了
                  • 说吧。这里又不是共产党的论坛。我是准备留一些做纪念的。
                    • 惭愧,我也是长期看跌的,又不是什么高手,所以只能放放马后炮而已,只能说:wisw是个纯粹的赌徒,这把嬴了,见好就收,否则以后指不定啥时候输回去
                      • He is the winner this time. For me there is no way to put $100K in a bankrupt stock no matter how low the price is and how many millions I have. It is a gamble.
                      • 我赌得还真不少,从ENE,DYN,CPN,MIR,FRE,FNM都赢了,
                        只有一个搞电信的的输了(输了33%),记不请他的代码廖,反镇最后由Charter11---->Charter 7。那还是03年的事料。这种赌法,有的人适合,大部分人不适合。不要轻易去试。这个坦中的人,我看过了,大部分人士比较保守稳健的方势,还是比较好的。
                        • 有什么心得?能不能写出来让我们学习一下。
                          • for fun: http://www.chinasmile.net/forums/showthread.php?t=111355
                            • 看了,很神奇。你能不能总结一下,贴上来让大家学习。里面的确有很多见地,貌似风险极其高,但是其实风险很低。就叫<<破产股票的玩法>>吧。期待中。