

people, calm down. I have looked at the sky last night and knew what would happen today and tomorrow. I am telling you this: buy anything that have lost more than 5% today, you would be rich tomorrow if you sell them by tomorrow noon.

I will come back tomorrow after to verify this
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  • people, calm down. I have looked at the sky last night and knew what would happen today and tomorrow. I am telling you this: buy anything that have lost more than 5% today, you would be rich tomorrow if you sell them by tomorrow noon.
    I will come back tomorrow after to verify this
    • 先把你关一天
      • hehe, only short side allow to speak now.
        • 没有人说作多的人不能说话,这里大多数人是作多的
    • 有什么今天涨5%的? 我想short
      • amd
    • 童鞋们,我昨天是怎么跟你们说的?不听话就不要怪我没让你们发财。我再和你们说一下,今天逢低买进银行股,比如rbc、scotia等,等着明天数钱吧。(再说了,大家要看到光明的一面,比如我1年前签的5年的variable mortgage,现在想不笑都不行)
      • Heresy, Since you mentioned the variable mortage, TD announce they will change to P+1, do you know if it applies to existing customers, or only to new applications? Thanks.
        • only to new customers. Existing customers are bound to contract. They can't break the contract without being punished.
          • Thanks a lot. Now I don't have to worry.
            • you need pay attention only when you renew.
        • existing customers should not be affected.
      • ding. 我昨天听你的买ry了。以后再来call哈哦,不然请一定pm我好吗,谢谢。
        • look at RY's price history. The 52 week high was $56. Now it's $45-46. It's safe for now, I suggest you sell them on $49-52. It will reach this goal in about 1-2 weeks
          • eeeee,一早就卖了呢,46.28。我会再找机会进。请问suncor代码是什么啊
            • SU. Come on man, you don't even know how to find a symbol code for a stock, then you just dive into this deep pond? it's dangerous. be careful.
              • 嘿嘿,扔水里才能学会游泳的说。谢谢
                • 我可在水里抬不起头来了.
                  • you are already deeply in water, don't do anything for now. don't dive deep, just wait and see.
                    • en, thanks.
            • time to get back RY now. shoot for 44-45$
              • 刚看见,错过了涅
        • by the way, it's also a good time to buy some oil companies, such as Suncor. Their prices have been hammered a hell lot in past couple weeks. You should be fine in a short-term, say about 1 month if you get in now.
    • 还能买什么, 今天就卖. 好不容易今天在家休息.
      • I am not sure now. I suggest wait for G7
    • ok, people, I give you another tip. buy bns now. any price lower than 44 is good.