

Some of the times, or most of the times, when the retail investors panick and sell their stocks and mutual funds, then the bottom is reached. But no one knows this time when the bottom will be reached.

Anyway, at least this will accelarate the speed to reach the bottom.
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  • 请问各位炒股多年的大侠,你们见过这样跌的法么? ????? 911时什么样?没这么惨吧?
    • 持续这么长的急跌,世上罕见。
    • 希望只是恐慌引起的短期现象。
      • 跌的也太急了,CNBC说mutul fund都在被赎回。
        • 弱弱地问一句:mutul fund在被赎回是什么意思?请大侠指教.
          • It is if you had bought mutual funds, you called your broker to ask them to sell your funds.
            • 这时候对于号称长期投资的基金,不是建仓的好时机么?怎么现在斩?
              • It is not up to them. The general retail investors, especially those who just buy MF and let others to manage their money see their accounts lost half of the value and panicked.
                So they just sell. The fund managers have to sell to give the money back to them. CNBC's Maria said before 5 PM that the redeemption of MF contributed the sharp sell-off at the end of today.
                • 可惜我现在不能长期投资,否则真想买点。。。问一下,基金会不会破产?如果破产了客户会不会血本无归?如果基金公司本身倒闭呢?
                  • No idea. If my memory sever me well, the stocks bought by the funds will be put in 3rd-party.
                    So even the MF companies go bankrupt, just like your bank account, your broker account is insured up to a certain amount, something like 1 million, or so (your bank account is insured up to 100k.)
          • I see: It means large amounts of money pulled from mutual funds.
        • If so, this is good news.
          • 可能快见底了吧,苦了快退休的人了。
            • 恐怕没那么快哦
          • Why it is a good news?
            • Some of the times, or most of the times, when the retail investors panick and sell their stocks and mutual funds, then the bottom is reached. But no one knows this time when the bottom will be reached.
              Anyway, at least this will accelarate the speed to reach the bottom.
    • 911的模式是10000->8000,反弹8800,再来个7500.1年半后,回10000.911时格林斯潘连续降息,利率曾降到0.5%.
      • 谢谢拉。看来这会更惨,911时各位怎么想的?
        • 这次股票将在6000点获得支持。现在钱输得差不多了。我接下来几个月,准备节约开支,希望到6000点时,能有几千块钱剩余,再杀进去。明天将出尽股票,落荒而逃。^_^。
        • 911时恐慌大于实际问题。现在是实际问题大于恐慌。