

It's such a surprise to find that almost all the stocks (used to be value stocks) in my watch list touched the 52 weeks low last Friday. Like all 5 Canadian banks, utilities and consumers etc.

When is good to buy? I think if I can't even seize this chance, I will never get my capital loss back in my life.
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  • It's such a surprise to find that almost all the stocks (used to be value stocks) in my watch list touched the 52 weeks low last Friday. Like all 5 Canadian banks, utilities and consumers etc.
    When is good to buy? I think if I can't even seize this chance, I will never get my capital loss back in my life.
    • 何止是52week最低, 至少已经是3年,5年的最低了. 如果能源前几年暴涨有buble存在的话, 现在都已经跌到暴涨前水平,甚至更低了, 要是再跌就是捡便宜了. 现在想买却不敢买, 不知最低点在哪. 就怕再涨又要追涨了, 而且涨起来比暴跌更迅速, 等你敢买时离最低点又很远了.
      • 所以去判断市场走向其实只是在赌博,如果真有谁每次都能准确判断市场走向,世界首富的位子早让他坐了。巴菲特从不猜底在哪里,而是看股票的售价是不是比它真正的价值便宜。
      • I have exactly the same feeling as you. So I think it's better to begin to buy now and add more when it's lower and lower except I don't want to invest in any stocks, ETF, or mutual funds. Just my own thoughts.
        • 在U型底部, 越低越买抓住低点的可能性比错过最低后追涨几率要大, 毕竟多了一次机会, 而且成本可能相对更低. 但是需要相应的本钱. 在RRSP里原来都是满仓, 腾出的资金很有限, 又不能随心所欲增加, 都想把2009年的额度也用了, 让政府罚点款, 我怕底部不会等到元旦.
          今年甚至去年买的股票都是接近最高点, 要是没机会趁现在average down, 恐怕很难翻身了.
          • 很可能不是U型,而是个Z型。股市在再跌10-20%后未来5-10年内再也回不到两个月前的高位。换言之,华尔街的坏账最终将由全体股民承担,平均损失25%-50%。抢U型反弹会是一种风险极高的举动。
          • 你可以先在把钱买入RRSP,但是不claim在2008年,留在2009年再claim(就是2010年年初报税时),我做过,每遇到问题。
    • We all know back to 2000, NT was 127 but now, less than a dollor. is his bottom for NT?