

I went to Vancouver this July, it's beautiful. I then visited Seattle, my friend told me it's 9 months rain (Sept. - May), 3 months sun. They said I got Seattle right time. I guess that's why all MS

buildings seem to hide inside parks.
I've been dreaming to retire in Vancouver. It may not be a good idea with so much rain. Canadians told me that Kelowna/Penticton (Okanagan Valley) is the dream place for retirement because it's very dry and not lack of water (due to the Okanagan lake). I went that area in Aug. and Oct. Nice weather every day!
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  • 这里能谈谈我对温哥华的印象嘛?哎,总体而言,比较失望。主要是老是下雨。我过来出差,开来回回,前前后后共计度过6个周末了。会多伦的周末不算,其它周末,全部在下雨。架车去西雅图的时候,更是可恶,竟然暴雨如注。今天外面毅然雨丝乱舞(这种雨很怪,下不大)
    • 本来打算去butchart garden,但是天气阴沉沉的,没有兴致了。昨天晚上参见了这边的华人社区舞会(夏天每四周一次,冬天每2周一次)。发现这里的mm比多伦多漂亮。男女比例,男人比较少。有不少mm显然是饥不择食。
    • 本次出差,公司安排住的地方不错。在burnaby,hilton metratown,能见到不少祖国旅游的贪官。底下就是crystal mall。全是华人大排档。我有5家比较喜欢的。味道不错。有一家山西刀削面,记得当年我老爸的手艺就是这样的。你们股市发财,来这里玩,可以参考一下。汇报完毕。
      • The place you live in is ugly. For a business trip you better live in the west end downtown vancouver. In GVRD if you live far away ocean that is not Vancouver.
        • 城里住过了。每天开车太辛苦了才搬过来的。温革华还有什么可以看看的?海边去过了。我现在下楼吃饭去了。真的很方便。吃的便宜又有味道。城里不行,交通太乱。等会我就根据你的建议出去走走。今天还没计划。9点醒了就睡不着了。
          • If my guess is correct, you are working for Telus? Go to this website www.westca.com and there are some posts related to the parks in BC. When you go out you'd better not be alone. Hiking may not be a bad idea even though it's raining.
            • 哈哈哈哈。没错。你好像是这里的人?我不认识这里的人啊。能不能介绍几个一起出去玩?我下周还在这里。准备去温哥华岛玩。你知不到谁想去。另外,今天到那个什么grouse 山去hinking是不是太潮湿了点?
          • Pick one from this page- http://travel.westca.com/component/option,com_keyword/task,view/id,13/Itemid,76/
            • 刚才去BURNABY中央公园和鹿湖看了看。雨太大,心疼我的D80,就回来了。
            • BURNABY中央公园的松鼠很有意思。见到人就成群结对的拥过来。我看到一群大概有13~15只,尾随我大概走了400米。要吃的。每个松鼠都肥头大耳的,看来是游客喂养习惯了。有一只跟着我走了1公里,感觉跟个小狗似的。下次再去要带点花生。
              • 你绕着那个公园的trail跑一圈儿?4公里
                • 你说的DEERLAKE。本来想走一圈的。下大了。这会儿又不下了。这里的雨很怪。
      • 这段时间都会下雨的,据说明天或者周二会晴一天。但是现在的温哥华,已经没有什么地方好玩的了。
        • 我周六认识了一个教SALSA舞的。准备今天跟他去DOWNTOWN的SALSA EVENT去。苦练SALSA热舞。
          • 在加西上认识的吗?
    • In BC you should not visit cities (historic buildings, templates, needle,etc) . On the other hand you should visit scenary hot spots that are beauty of BC. Go to some natural parks.
      • 准备去burnaby得几个小公园看看(什么stanley park, rose garden 都去过了)。不过,我真的没有感觉到beautiful bc. 这里租来的车子都有这个slogan。但是,这种阴雨连绵的天气(已经快一个月了吧),怎么都和美丽不沾边。我都要发霉了。回头聊。我估计你是本地人,等会pm你。
      • 对了,水族馆还行。
    • 温哥华就是雨多, 白天短黑夜长, 我也不喜欢. 搞不懂为什么是世界上最适宜居住的城市. STANLY PARK去走走 不错, 其他就是餐馆不错, 选择多, 购物商场多, 很有点香港的味道....
    • I went to Vancouver this July, it's beautiful. I then visited Seattle, my friend told me it's 9 months rain (Sept. - May), 3 months sun. They said I got Seattle right time. I guess that's why all MS
      buildings seem to hide inside parks.
      I've been dreaming to retire in Vancouver. It may not be a good idea with so much rain. Canadians told me that Kelowna/Penticton (Okanagan Valley) is the dream place for retirement because it's very dry and not lack of water (due to the Okanagan lake). I went that area in Aug. and Oct. Nice weather every day!
    • 羡慕, 兄弟我已经有两年零八个月没有过过自己的周末了, 实在是羡慕啊.
    • How is the housing price in Vancouver? I mean, compare with Toronto