

好啊。俺LP是专业中文教师,她整天想教学。办个中文班,让小孩在华股幼儿园都说中文。万一美国中央银行倒闭了,不能炒股了,男的当花奴,女的当中文教师。 RGE.com: Can Central Banks Go Broke?

RGE.com: Can Central Banks Go Broke? Fed Refuses To Disclose Collateral Composition And Recipients Of $2.8 Trillion Loans


The U.S. government is prepared to lend more than $7.4 trillion on behalf of American taxpayers, or half the U.S. GDP, to rescue the financial system since the credit markets seized up 15 months ago. Bernanke’s Fed is responsible for $4.4 trillion of pledges, or 60% of the total commitment of $7.4 trillion. The unprecedented pledge of funds includes $2.8 trillion already tapped by financial institutions

The commitment dwarfs the only plan approved by lawmakers, the Treasury Department’s $700 bn Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)--> Regulators refuse to disclose who is receiving how much while Congress starts pushing for transparency and give authority over taxpayer money back to elected officials
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  • 花奴也有个提议,大家合伙买个农场,组成一个花股协会。股市能赚时,炒股,股市不动时,当花奴。大家一起玩。钱不在多,够玩就行,场不在大, 能乐就成。
    • 多伦多搞花场当花奴。你钱多了烧不完给我好不好?
    • 我也要分些,见者又份。我有钱了,坐大飞飞回家。重回妈妈的怀抱。然后和我女儿一起去读幼儿园,再过一回童年,那谈一次恋爱。顺便看着女儿不被人欺负。
      • 感觉新手是个女士
        • 路遥大侠就是牛,BINGO猜对了。
          • 路遥大侠就是牛,我猜对了,功劳成他的了。呵呵。
            • 那MOMEY大侠也牛,不知怎么看花眼了。
              • 因为你心里只有老八,所以看什么都有老八潇洒的影子。:D 不过我影子也挺帅的,要不怎么总能钓到美人鱼呢。新手你是属鱼的不?
                • 我想我应该属猫吧,对于谁的影子帅已经不敢兴趣。只想跟着吃些鱼骨头。你们这些大侠剩下的鱼骨头,已经够我早早退休,陪着女儿读幼儿园了。
    • I suggest IPO 花股协会
      • 俺们协会里花奴多,股奴少。
        • 别象巴菲特的俱乐部一样:Billionaire Club files for bankruptcy。
    • 我提议,花股协会里办个幼儿园,大侠们都该有孩子,就算现在没以后也会有。我和我女儿一起加入,以后连女婿也选好。到时候就叫花股幼儿园。
      • 好啊。俺LP是专业中文教师,她整天想教学。办个中文班,让小孩在华股幼儿园都说中文。万一美国中央银行倒闭了,不能炒股了,男的当花奴,女的当中文教师。 RGE.com: Can Central Banks Go Broke?
        RGE.com: Can Central Banks Go Broke? Fed Refuses To Disclose Collateral Composition And Recipients Of $2.8 Trillion Loans


        The U.S. government is prepared to lend more than $7.4 trillion on behalf of American taxpayers, or half the U.S. GDP, to rescue the financial system since the credit markets seized up 15 months ago. Bernanke’s Fed is responsible for $4.4 trillion of pledges, or 60% of the total commitment of $7.4 trillion. The unprecedented pledge of funds includes $2.8 trillion already tapped by financial institutions

        The commitment dwarfs the only plan approved by lawmakers, the Treasury Department’s $700 bn Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)--> Regulators refuse to disclose who is receiving how much while Congress starts pushing for transparency and give authority over taxpayer money back to elected officials
      • 不要紧,美国银行倒闭了。我们就开花股银行,自己的钱就不用存银行。吵股连手续费也省了。下届美国选举就选蚯蚓,幼儿园里的宝宝们都虚报年龄,投你一票。你把花旗的钱全放我们花股银行来。反正美国人不懂中文,一字只差他们分不情。我在幼儿园里当拉拉对长。
        • 林中无老虎,蚯蚓成大王。
      • 然后贪污腐败,给女儿用LV的尿片。然后买辆飞机用来接送这里的各位大侠,钱多了真好。
        • 把美国买下来,再卖给中国,再用赚的钱,把中国也买下来,卖给太阳~~~
    • 别忘了,在农场树面旗子,迎风飘扬。后人取名“花旗”