

Remember Asian crashed on its Friday trade? It is the response to American' Friday trade. I tdo not see any good news for tomorrow. Tomorrow, Bulls will have a weak start, weak progress, good to DT.

If Bulls really want to hold a Xmas Rally, it has to pull back and re-test its Friday low and then build up strength and make a huge push up( short Squeeze). Otherwise, with so many Shorts waiting to ambush on the road, Bulls will have a bloody journey.

So, it is also a killing for Bears if you hold something over night before SPX makes through 930( it is all about 3 big automakers). Bulls could make a final huge move by this.
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  • Go Long Now is Suicidal ZT
    • It depends on how long is long. Most of the time, I am interested only the current day and the next day. :D
      • Better not hold over night. Market is having a trouble to find buyers. The light volume tells a lot.
    • Good job.
    • 辛苦了! 两头忙让你更忙了 :-)
      • I did some TA work this weekend and I was trying to review my standing point by looking at the foundamental side. But I could not find any reason why the market should break the heavy resistance. Market needs a huge good news to pop it up
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        • Yes. In addition, the gaps on Dec9, Dec10, and Dec11 look like exhaustion gaps. However, Is Dec12's gap a downside gap? If so, does that mean the down trend won't go below that gap immediately so that the new low won't be tested at least next week?
          • Do not know. I only know moving up will meet heavy resistance. Lot of good chance to make profit by shorting. If some how, it can not hold above the blue support line, then it will go down and try to find support at fibonacci retracement line.
          • Actually, I am kind of hoping the bull can push the index into a higher range so the institutional shorts will come out and play. Also this bull push will make the shorting profitable room even bigger. But, this is definitely not the time to LONG.
            • 从上周熊熊们的表现来看, 他们也很弱.
              • 上周只有一次,有熊出现。就是周四下午2点钟的那个CRASH。周五早上所有的熊(包括我)都COVER了。然后在牛爬到SPY=88~89的地方,熊又出现了,然后,又全部COVER了。XMAS RALLY,是很好的建空仓的时机。下周,是很好的DT时机。
                • Does Christmas Rally happen every year?
                  • Well, do not know. But I think if by any chance SPX reaches 930, that is where I will feel very safe to short. For the people who want to do swing trade, you are safe to build up hsd from here.
                    • Asian markets got a jump-start. Mayby that is the beginning of Xmas Rally?
                      • Remember Asian crashed on its Friday trade? It is the response to American' Friday trade. I tdo not see any good news for tomorrow. Tomorrow, Bulls will have a weak start, weak progress, good to DT.
                        If Bulls really want to hold a Xmas Rally, it has to pull back and re-test its Friday low and then build up strength and make a huge push up( short Squeeze). Otherwise, with so many Shorts waiting to ambush on the road, Bulls will have a bloody journey.

                        So, it is also a killing for Bears if you hold something over night before SPX makes through 930( it is all about 3 big automakers). Bulls could make a final huge move by this.
                  • 据说每年都有. 也许今年会不同, 圣诞前来个大跌?
                    • 我觉得, 熊是要股市再升些, 不然肯定会利用周五的.
      • "两头忙" 是种工程机械的俗称, 前面运货, 后面刨坑, 用在股市上倒也贴切.
        • 不小心变成机械领域的了 :-)
      • 老八是三头忙. 呵呵
        • 还有哪一头,我追在他后面捣乱。
          • 大千那里有他的影子没有?
            • NO。那个地方太乱。都是玩的。胡同里都是分析师,看不出几个是真正进行交易的。
              • 大千是聊天室,胡同里还是可以学到东西的。
                • Do you know where is QQQ? I have not seen her posts for a week. She is a good trader.
                  • 据说开了个博客,也开始收费了,博客只能100人看,我也没有地址。
              • 胡同里就几个分析师在争夺点击率, 再互相攻击拆台, 商业味道太浓.
                • 我开始怀疑NATURELAW了。他的帖子都很玄虚,很泛泛。对具体交易,没有什么指导意义。大方向,也没有资金风险管理。好像就是为了收钱预测市场。市场哪里能预测啊?不过QQQ的帖子,还是很价值的。CORBA也不错。
                  • 他学的是GANN,本来就玄,NL也说了不会啥都透露的,那样就更看不懂。
                    • 但是也没有见他做过什么交易啊?
                      • 所以来教学了。。。
                    • 是William D. Gann吗? 跟Gannfann是不是同一个人?
                      • 是W.D.GANN,和gannfann不是同一个人。
                        • 谢谢!
                  • 看他介绍不知道他要教什么, 象是Elliott Wave, 这个理论最符合natural law. 不过那么贵学费值得吗? 有多少人先花钱学理论再炒股的?
                    • 不过, 我一个大学同学在国内开始几十万地炒股, 2000年到美国第一年交了7万美元学费, 现在倒是很自信不会再把本给输了. 她说不交学费能从股市上赚钱就是genius, 吓得我想着要么马上洗手不干, 要么拼命当个genius
                      • If you still did not pay so-called "tuition, you are genius already. I had a bad experience in early October. I gained over 20K one day and lost more than that next day. After that lesson, I just do DT most of time.
                        • buy & hold都被套了不舍得割肉, DT两个月来倒是赚到了学费, 现在只留C$5000, US$6000, 最多把这些再当学费.
                          • From my experience, $5000 is not enough for DT. You need a large number of shares. Even a small gain per share, you still gain some. For DT, three factors are good timing, large shares and short time.
                            • 可能谈不上是DT, 但尽量当天结算, 被套时也会持一段时间, 但$5000就够了, 当然还加上那些被套股票的margin. 就买100-300 SSO玩一玩. 交不起太贵的学费呀 :-)
                        • 你那大手笔, 我可不敢比. 我那同学每次出手比你还大
                • 嗯,不管他们这些,俺TA弱,去偷学几招 :)
    • 多谢分享.
    • Thanks for sharing.
    • 我去拿个大喇叭喊: 路遥有空仓~ :)
      • No. All Cash. I do not hold anything more than 4 hours. Last week, most of my positions were held only for 1~2 hours. Then cach back again.
        • 弓虽!