

My two cents

1, The programming thing your kid thinks could be totally different to the real thing.

2, When he says he doesn't like programming, what exactly is that? Does he enjoy logical thinking? The so-called programming has a lot to do with logical thinking. This mindset applies to everywhere in the science and engineering domains, not only to programming.
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  • 加国大学 / U.Toronto / 孩子想将来从事机器人AI 方面的工作, 但他不喜欢编程, 想学机电工程专业.
    已经报了滑大的机电工程, 多大的机械工程, 麦可马的机械工程以及皇后的机械工程(他说后三所大学没看到机电工程专业).请教一下, 这些专业的工作前景如何?他报的和他想从事的工作是否一致?有没有更合适的学校专业选择,烦请推荐一下.谢谢大家.
    • My two cents
      1, The programming thing your kid thinks could be totally different to the real thing.

      2, When he says he doesn't like programming, what exactly is that? Does he enjoy logical thinking? The so-called programming has a lot to do with logical thinking. This mindset applies to everywhere in the science and engineering domains, not only to programming.
      • Thank you, I will talk to him.
    • 多大工程系的ECE如何?是面向本科生的吗?孩子在安省的报名系统里找不到这PROGRAM, 请知道的家长给指点一下,谢谢 +2