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  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / 加拿大经济好,对房市火上浇油 +2
    • 9月加拿大应该不会降息了。。
      • 主要还是看美国,如果联储降,加拿大必须的。
      • Nevertheless,
        market watchers are increasingly convinced the Bank of Canada could join the Federal Reserve and cut its benchmark interest rate later this year because of an escalation in the global trade tensions. The drop in capital spending and a slowdown in household spending could reinforce this belief.
    • 也说了,国内需求萎缩。只是出口好,别看小土豆装,还是为了树立形象有助于出口,花个几千万,不仅轻松赚回来还有个好名声。