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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / "The Trump Effect: Business, Anticipating Less Regulation, Loosens Purse Strings" - The New York Times ... 有点长,供大家批判...^_^...
    • A wave of optimism has swept over American business leaders, +1
      and it is beginning to translate into the sort of investment in new plants, equipment and factory upgrades that bolsters economic growth, spurs job creation - and may finally raise wages significantly.
      • 这第一段写的怎么那么那么给人“改革一夜春风至”的感觉啊。。。LOL。。。。。 +1
        • 同感,很有喜感。哈哈。
        • 税改的春风吹遍了密西西比河两岸
    • 当年监管不力导致金融危机,最后CEO赚的盘满钵满走人,然后美国纳税人不得不出钱救市,TRUMP不过是故伎重演,不过普通人大都不会汲取教训. +6