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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / Please help: what does it mean? -- "PM PeeWee and his Liberal flunkies are still conceptually challenged with this old, time-proven axiom --- if you're not at the table, then you're clearly on the menu."
    • 意思就是如果你不是下棋的人,那你就是被人摆布的棋子。目前,美墨是棋手,加拿大是棋子 +1
      • Oh! Thanks buddy!
    • 成王败寇
    • 估计美国人也知道我们的总理叫土豆,可煎炒烹炸,适合放在菜单上。 +4
    • 挖, 真是阶级斗争一抓就零啊。。。 +1