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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 请教一下如何理解这句话: where metal bodies located within a steel-framed structure are inherently bonded to the structure through construction, separated bonding connections shall not be required. 谢谢
    • 铁支架房子各种梁建的时候已经连好了。铁房里任何金属部位不需要另外再连接了。
      • Bonding in this sentence means Electrical bonding. Electrical bonding is the practice of intentionally electrically connecting all exposed metal items not designed to carry electricity in a room or building as protection from electric shock
        • What was your question?
          • 发的帖子主题就是我的问题。只是特别说一下bonding在那个问题里的定义,不是仅仅指连接。
            • I had meant electrical bonding. People in construction know bonding is an electrical term: