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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 【羡慕】明你那波利斯人们正在享受没有警察的幸福生活。这是他们自愿的选择。佩服加羡慕啊😍😍😍😂😂😂😂 +1
    • 这位兄弟的觉悟,让我羞愧的无地自容啊😂。俩黑人小孩拿着枪让他把车钥匙交出来,他错拿了房门钥匙,人家差点没毙了他。后来忙着去抢他邻居的车才放过他。这兄弟出于本能报警了。 +1
      • 现在这哥们非常后悔报警,“报警会把两个劫匪的生命置于危险之中”,太不“圣母”了!,只要不报警,一切就是岁月静好😂😂😂。I 服了 you。这和谐社会,如你所愿😂😂😂 +5
    • Another resident, +1
      Mitchell Erickson, said he regretted calling 911 when two black teenagers cornered him a block away from his home, held a gun to his chest and demanded his car keys. Erickson said he mistakenly handed over his house keys, and the frustrated teens left him only to steal another car a few blocks away.

      “Been thinking more about it,” Erickson said in a text message to a reporter. “I regret calling the police. It was my instinct but I wish it hadn’t been. I put those boys in danger of death by calling the cops.”

      “Yeah I know and yeah it was scary but the cops didn’t really have much to add after I called them,” he continued. “I haven’t been forced to think like this before. So I would have lost my car. So what? At least no one would have been killed.”
      • “I haven’t been forced to think like this before.——说白了还是欠抽,人家一force,奴性就出来了😂😂 +1
      • “So I would have lost my car. So what? At least no one would have been killed.”——— Are you sure? +1
      • 我要是有权力的话,我要提名这位哥们炸药和平奖 LOL +2
        • 我觉得东郭先生,或者宋襄公奖更合适,这哥们颇有古风啊😂😂 +4
      • 😂
    • 这是存心的吧? 话都反正说了,可怜的美国人。😄