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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 非常好的文章,摘抄如下: Walter E. Williams column: Insults to Black history
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1.. Government should do its job of protecting constitutional rights. After that, Black people should be simply left alone as opposed to being smothered by the paternalism inspired by white guilt.

    2.. A major problem is that some public and private policies reward dependency and irresponsibility. Chief among these policies is the welfare state that has fostered a 75% rate of out-of-wedlock births and decimated the black family that had survived Jim Crow and racism.

    3.. Self-destructive behavior that has become acceptable, particularly that in predominantly Black schools, is nothing less than a gross betrayal of a struggle, paid with blood, sweat and tears by previous generations, to make possible today’s educational opportunities that are being routinely squandered.

    刚才听CBC Cross Country Checkup, 讲加拿大的种族歧问题,开篇有黑人的血泪史,一个妈妈说她做演员的黑人女儿没有机会,即使有全黑人的百老汇舞台剧,前排坐的也全是白人;一个10年纪的穆斯林小女孩讲在她6年纪的时候,一个白人男孩,她曾经的好朋友碰她的头巾,说伊斯兰人搞恐怖袭击;一个原住民,讲政府如何背叛了原住民群体;好像还有印度移民遇到的种族歧视问题,等等,等等。我等了半天,没有听到一个大陆移民在这个2个小时的节目里讲自己的故事。也许是我没专心,错过了?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 首先。他文章中批评的,恰恰是奥巴马总统推崇的。其次,到了欧拉雅要把whitening 这个字眼从自己的广告或者文件中取消,以便表达自己站稳”政治正确“立场之决断的时候,你就知道走得太远了。下一步会不会所有的牙膏厂家都要禁止使用whitening 这个字? +1
      • Black people have very good and white teeth. 😂
        • 对牙膏厂家来说,it is not a good way to do business。 it is a suicide plan。
          • No normal people would feel offensive though.
            • 牙膏是用来美白的。把美白的字眼去掉,黄牙的人们怎么去选择有用的牙膏? +1
              • Agree with you. I meant, No normal people would feel offensive to see the word whitening.
      • 听CBC, 看ACA5,是我们华人在北美太没有代表,还是在一个号称反歧视的社会里其实还有一个族群被所有反歧视的群体所歧视着? +1
        • The current so-called anti-discrimination is not really pro-equality but only a disguise of demanding extra privilege. +3
        • 中国人是当年犹太人的重现,只是既没有犹太人的地位,也没有犹太人的实力。唯一有的,是Constituions的保护,所以希望它们不要被推翻 +1
    • 印度移民受到歧视,大陆移民受到歧视??????????美国能够让你移民到美国,不仅不感谢,还说被歧视? 歧视,是美国白人和黑人之间的历史问题,大陆人没有资格浑水摸鱼!印度人也一样!
    • 好个P。这个政策完全是站在白人立场上,为黑人做决定,非常种族主义。90%以上的黑人,对于不用付出,便能得到回报是非常支持的,对于能自由侵害他人,不用受到惩罚是非常支持的 -- 这个就是他们最大利益所在。为什么95%以上的黑人投民主党,真以为人家都傻么? +1