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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / Examples of Voter Fraud Pouring In +3
    Examples of Voter Fraud Pouring in while the MSM denies it exists.
    • BREAKING: Ballot Count Upload Error in Arizona — Over 6,000 False Biden Votes Discovered +5
      Joe Biden’s lead in Arizona dropped from 10,377 votes to 4,202 after a machine error was discovered on Tuesday. The error was from a faulty upload from Greenlee County, which showed 22,110 votes — but should have been 3,723. State officials say that it was temporary and has now been corrected. A data analyst for…
    • 民猪党真是名副其实,投他们票的是🐷,跟如此邪恶的人为伍,不怕以后被它坑? +7
      • 他们的邪恶,被主流媒体精心掩藏起来了。 大部分百姓只看主流媒体。 +2
        • 经过这次大选,越来越多的人抛弃民主党媒了,连CNN都要被卖掉,就可想而知这些民主党媒的处境,现在在极力表现,是跟背后的金主乞讨。 +3