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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / Biden,为啥一定要念拜等,而不是弊蹬? 参见bid, bishop, bitch, big,bin,bikini...... +4
    • 因为d后面有e,所以i要发自己的音。? +1
      • That's correct.
    • A typical thing about English pronunciation is that, the rules are very loose. It's not like Spanish or French. There is only one correct way: follow the majority. Think about the word "colonel". +1
      • 对,Colonel发音很乖
    • if the "i" is followed by a single consonant and a vowel it's pronounced as ai, if followed by two consonants, or a single consonant at the end of the word, it is pronounced as short "i"