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  • 枫下家园 / 电脑电信 / 老大注意,后台系统或数据库有状况:发帖时常反应迟钝,延迟较长甚至超时作废,可能系统性能有瓶颈问题,或数据库已经庞大到需要考虑do something了....俺一个月前就遇上此状况,以为是自己的问题,试其它网站都OK,刚才又有人提起,应该是肉联后台系统的原因... +3
    • test
      • 没问题 ,,,秒发
        • 触发状况的机会平均大约是10%~20%,十帖有一二....但有时半天都没事,或许有事时正是数据库读/写/锁定/解锁/搜索最忙的时候...
    • u$a gov't wants to divide and conqier ch!nks.
    • Thanks for raising the issue. Yes, we noticed that. The post was actually added successfully (that's why we saw duplicated posts), but the system just didn't respond for some reasons. Have been working on it.
    • 不只发帖,页面话题刷新有时也卡顿,我以前也以为自己的问题,但其他网站没事。
      • Yes, it's the issue with the Rolia server.
    • 刚刚查了一下,28分钟内有10166个active sessions.