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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 【转帖】“印第安正在接管美国”?拜登在宇航局的发言变得匪夷所思!英语评论区一片哗然…拜登看来快了,应该挺不过今年了。贺姐会很快上位,美国第一位女总统很快就要诞生了。主流媒体快瞒不住了
    • 需要名贵出来再打砸几下。名正才能言顺 +1
      • 等佩罗西和贺锦丽内斗吧。 都不是好人。 +1
    • 前面垫底的被删除了,所以印度媒体伤害美国无底线。 +1
    • 咋还能用我党的宣传来看世界? 作为一个有色人种,听听人家阿鹫的话,很舒服。有啥不好?
      US President Joe Biden on Thursday (local time) congratulated the NASA team responsible for the success of the Perseverance rover that landed on Mars earlier this month. He lauded the team at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)/California Institute of Technology, including Dr Swati Mohan, the Indian-American aerospace engineer, who was one of the many people who spearheaded the development and the landing system for the rover. Biden while speaking to Dr Mohan in a video conference call said that the India-Americans are "taking over the country". Mohan thanked Biden for interacting with them, but the President said he was honored to interact with the team. "This is an incredible honor. Indian -- of descent -- Americans are taking over the country. You (Mohan), my Vice President (Kamala Harris), my speechwriter (Vinay Reddy) I tell you what. But thank you. You guys are incredible," Biden told Dr Mohan.
    • 看了视频,拜登应该是在开玩笑,说印度裔美国人在接管美国,和他对话的人应该是印裔。玩笑不一定合适,也说不上匪夷所思,或许可以算一语成谶。可能没想到贺姐会“接管”他 +2
      • 是的。一句没头没尾的话被印度媒体大肆操作,印度媒体,操蛋!
        • 这个媒体报道有点扯淡,拜登说了几个,都是印度裔美国人。这个笑话不难理解,跟印第安人还无关系
          • 印媒给贺三总接班添了不必要的麻烦。弊磴不想枉死,故意这么说。 +1
    • 看来美国下一步要宣扬印度威胁论了。接管美国?这还了得?那不成鸠占雀巢了么?
      • 贺三总跟穆迪打电话,大骂印媒坏了她好事。穆迪说她品种不纯,属杂交水稻,是低种姓,不配和他说话。贺三种被气得哇哇大哭。 +2
        • 莫迪1950年出生于印度的古吉拉特邦,从他记事起,就跟着父亲做一个卖红茶的小贩。从职业上看,他们家的种姓既不是婆罗门也不是刹帝利,而古吉拉特邦没有最低贱的首陀罗种姓。所以在家乡,莫迪属于最底层的吠舍种姓。 +1
          • 模滴是为高种姓服务的,贺三这种杂粮他第一个要踩。 +1