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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 欣赏一下,“加拿大派军舰到南海挑衅滋事 可是这一幕真让人想笑" ,这篇同名文章在大陆人的媒体上原封不动到处转载,都不用请记者和编辑吗?就这种幼稚习作,还到处转载,我都笑不出来。 +1
    • 其实好多人不知道,这些外国军舰去台湾海峡,南海转悠,中国军人都气得要命,羞耻感很大的,听同学说。 +3
    • 估計那幫人沒看過這篇文章,普通常識,應該是清朝人穿越來的.真的信大象打的過螞蟻! +3
      A David and Goliath story is playing out on the African savanna, where tree-loving ants are fending off herds of tree-hungry elephants, proving that - in nature - size and strength don't always triumph.Florida biology professor Todd Palmer studied the curious interaction between ants and elephants in one area of the savanna in Kenya where the Acacia are thriving. The plant has a tough time taking root because of the thick clay soil and the threat of roving elephants who dine on the trees' leaves and bark, leaving many stripped bare.
    • 船走得慢,加拿大的船也不能总在亚洲呆着,这需要出场就能到场,该提前多久开始安排啊? +1
      • 不用安排,是公海,时不时去一下,看看有没有海盗,附近也有许多地方可以补给。 +3
    • 加拿大是北约成员国,即使派个破船去耀武扬威,中国也不敢动 +4
      • 的确是让大陆难受,又不能派几百武装渔船去对抗,就是不承认大陆自画的内海,还有国际公约的支持,就是个没辙! +4
    • 加拿大历来是对中共最温和的一个。 +3