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  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 收到一封律师函,追缴欠fido手机费,不知怎么回事,我家都没有fido的手机,是不是很久很久以前的一个刚落地的租客用我的个人信息登记的手机。怎么办?谢谢指教
    • 打电话问呗
    • Write a "Cease and Desist" letter, +3

      stating that you are not responsible and liable for this claim and you are disputing it in full. It was not under your name and you had no knowledge or awareness of any relevant purchases. "You must cease and desist any future claims and communication immediately." By registered mail or by fax, with a record of successful transmittal.

      Send by registered mail or fax. Keep a record of successful transmittal.

      • 多谢了*^_^* +1

      • Looks like it's under his name..."租客用我的个人信息登记的手机"
        • 太久了记不清了,只记得他刚落地带他去办理手机开户,如果登记的是我的个人信息,这样还能推卸责任吗?
          • It depends on if you were the guarantor. If this is the case, write the same letter, but additionally say "You must provide any and all documentation if you continue to pursue this claim." +1
            • thanks
              • if pass two years in Ontario. You don't need bother response. Actually don't do anything. And confirm that letter from collect agence or real lawyer.
    • 没几百就交了,省点精力时间,
      • 近2000刀
        • 如果超过两年,根本就不用理。理它,你就的全陪。
    • 多谢各位回复,打了电话问,虚惊一场,是同名同姓,但不同生日,发错了,已close +1
      • 这过山车坐的。
      • 哦,没看到
      • 想起那个苏联笑话,最幸福的事情,苏联人说:最幸福的事情就是半夜有秘密警察敲门,开门后:伊万,你被捕了。…:你弄错了,伊万在隔壁。 +1
      • 快改名LOL