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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 祝贺加拿大,性侵犯又连任了! +10
    • 别急,还有邮寄选票呢,等着反转的好戏。 +2
    • 人民党成绩比上次好太多,今晚能睡个好觉了 +3
      • 党魁在自己选区最后一名 +10
        • 人民党连在屏幕上都没站一个位置(现在显示5个党派),他哪里来的感觉啊🤔,这种感觉好奇乖啊 +4
          • 我巴不得人民党赶紧倒闭,浪费选票的东西。 +4
        • 得票率进步巨大! +2
      • A vote for PPC is a vote for Liberals. Thanks. +13
        • 把票分走了,相当于帮了自由党。 +7
        • 保守党是自己烂泥扶不上墙,虽然选PPC现在没用,但是要让PPC看到希望,也希望保守党向PPC靠拢争取选票,否则就让自由党独大吧,如果保守党想和自由党一样的话。 +4
        • A vote for PPC is a slap in the face of Vaxx Pass! PPC may not win a seat, but it shows its power. +5
          • 博涅作为前保守党内阁重量级部长阁员,现在落得连个冷板凳位子都选不上,遑论实现自己任何主张。他要是在保守党内,其地位不是第一也是第二。就一缺乏政治智慧的鲁莽的傻叉。 +2
            • My district flipped, from CPC to Lib. And my vote really counted. Now OTool knows what he is lack of. He is lack of courage to stand up for the right. and he got his payback.
              • 真心祝贺你们人民党,成功地给保守党防水,送自由党一个席位。。人民党就是代表加拿大人民的民意,死活也要选出小土豆 +2
                • 党魁自己的选区都保不住,自己不谋求在国会的发言权,怀疑他是认真的么?白白在南安省送给自由党两个席位,太可惜了,这样的情况再多几个,就把多数党送给特鲁多了。


                  • 其实上次大选人民党就送给自由党至少八九个席位,所以个人感觉人民党就是小土豆的助攻,无间道
    • 为什么叫性侵犯
      • 因为据说他曾经做过这事,教书的时候还有磕磕碰碰的一个女记 +4
        • 这些都是小儿科,小土豆在中学当老师的时候染指自己的女学生好久,属于是强奸幼女,2019年大选前花了两个多米封口费才没被捅出来。。。这么烂的人能被选上当三任总理,加拿大人就喜欢这口 +4
          • 如果这个性侵犯再次连任,加拿大人倒啥霉我都会拍手叫好,只要保守派人士不倒霉。。。。。 -itwriting(halfpercent); 9-20 +1
            • 保守派人士肯定让自家孩子远离这种烂人 +3
        • 据说不能做为证据。 +2
          • 说能就能,说不能就不能,随便得很
      • 想起了马克吐温的小说。
    • 说到性侵犯,不是有个华裔自由党候选人因为这个被踢出候选了么?这是刑不上魁首? +5
      • kevin vuong?他是越南和华裔混合吧。


        My name is Kevin Vuong, and Belinda “Ngoc Be Vuong” and Ken “Phuoc-Thanh Vuong” are my parents, so too is Canada. While my parents provided me with the means and support, Canada provided me with the opportunity for education and success. As Belinda tutored me in math and science, Canada gave me the chance to think creatively. Where Ken taught me discipline, Canada provided the freedom to question.

        Confucian tradition states that being a filial son is the uppermost duty of any son. As a Canadian of Chinese and Vietnamese heritage, it is my filial duty to reciprocate the care and support that my parents offered me.

      • 详细性侵描述(很多人估计觉得不可理解)


        The woman, who Global News agreed not to identify, confirmed the details outlined in the Star’s report.

        She said she met Vuong through a dating app in February 2019 and that they went on several dates. It was around April 8 when he came over to watch a movie before agreeing to turn everything off. She said they went to bed and fell asleep soon after laying down.

        “I woke up because I felt somebody touching me and I felt something tickling my neck, and I kept my eyes closed from the moment I woke up just to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating and I wanted to be sure what was going on,” the woman said, recalling how she was allegedly groped.

        She said she went to her bathroom and locked the door before going on to call a friend for help. The woman said she arranged for the friend to make an emergency call to her so she could leave, adding she went down to her parking garage to hide as she was suffering a panic attack.

        “When it happened, I was taken back because I think it was one thing if I was awake and he tried to make advancements, I would have shut it down. We wouldn’t even be here. But the fact of the matter is that I was asleep, I was unconscious, and I couldn’t consent to something,” she said.

        In speaking with the Crown, the woman said she didn’t expect Vuong to go to jail over the alleged incident.

        • 是啊,这不是这种外人不大好理解真实事情经过的都被自由党为了党内纯洁给踢了么?但一个累犯还有其他非常政治不正确及确定的利益冲突案件的历史的家伙坐稳着魁首。不过这倒是非常符合自由党的一贯方针,领导永远是对的。看看像哪的。
    • 早就跟你說人民黨上不去了。當媒體被自由黨控制的時候,基本上大部分人被洗腦了。選舉就是金錢的遊戲。最後的結果就是納稅人被搶劫。所以聽我勸你現在應該關心怎麼,少搶劫一點。或者成為其中的一部分。 +10
      • 人民黨必须有自己的媒体,学学大纪元
        • 谣言起家的媒体在加拿大还真不好用 如Rebel News +4
          • Rebel News没有纸媒体,力度弱了
          • 好似人民日报就蛮好用