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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / Airline Professionals, Passengers Unite Against Vaccine Passports +2

    An online organization dedicated to stopping vaccination passport requirements for airline staff and passengers is bringing these demographics together in an effort to change public opinion and policy.

    According to the declarations of those who have signed up online, Free to Fly represents over 1,500 Canadian airline professionals—pilots, flight attendants, and ground and airport support staff—and an additional 9,100 air passengers.

    • 如果你反对疫苗护照,可以加入这个网站:Free To Fly +1
    • Is there a website to support vaccine passport? I think the 80% of people on Rolia would like to sign that one. +8
      • 这不是画蛇添足吗?政府已经发了护照了,还需要支持啊?哈哈。 +1
        • Nothing wrong to show my supports and appreciations... +3
          • 你不支持,政府敢发吗?呵呵。
          • 好办。富人有富人的支持法。给保守党捐一个million吧。不要tax credit 的那种。
            • I don't need you to tell me how I support the government. Just like I don't tell you how you should support your anti-government.
            • 富人为啥要支持,疫苗护照不影响他们,他们不需要公众服务。