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  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 浪漫的人去哪儿都浪漫,不浪漫的飞金星都无济于事。居然把酒吧买醉看成浪漫,搞清楚定义先,好吗?👀 +7
    • 酒吧也有浪漫,只是比例较低,都是去找方向,找刺激的,适合年轻时代无处安放的荷尔蒙。 +1
      • 老荡通过酒吧看世界。 +2
        • 看看这里的这位call girl, 酒吧里撞上了也不一定就不能有一段买醉的LM +1


    • 电影里好多浪漫都发生在酒吧不是? +3
    • 我们是在讨论酒吧里找到 good ONS的可能性。不过看链接,“Do have a one-night stand if you haven’t had romance in a very long time. Your life isn’t over, and you’ve still got a heartbeat! Let it pound for one night.” 好象这里真的有浪漫二字 +1
      A one night stand doesn't have to be an awkward experience once it's done. Here is a list of the do's and don'ts to help you out.
      • Let’s just put it this way, if ONS, as you’ve perceived, is that obviously Whiskey-friendly, the true Romanticism, however you intend to throw it under the bus, is almost always on the forefront of human consciousness, like it or not. +1
        • 浪漫的门槛没有那么高。浪漫是一种心境,赤脚裸身于海滩展望日出是浪漫,一两句俏皮让人巧笑倩兮于咖啡桌对面同样是浪漫 +1
          • Your application of illogicality to logicality can only make things worse. In other words, sunrise or sunset beaches and cozy coffeehouses are on the forefront of consciousness , while bars are not, exceptionally not, to be precise. +1
            • 其实作为营造浪漫的媒介,bar stools 和其他两样没有区别,不能appreciate 微醺的女色的人,同样会因为专注于沙滩上丽人裸露的脊背,而忽略她脸上那一线浅笑下隐含的风情。 +1
              • Quote the Pope, nudity on beaches is sin, while bar stools are crimes.✊ +1
                • a smart and witty twist of the holy communication。but you missed the subject on the beaches as well as on the bar stools。 +1
                  • Twisting meets twisting. Just follow your example of twisting illogicality and logicality. You better go back to Chinese, cause English is obviously NOT your thing, honestly. +1
                    • 我当然可以从命回归母语,虽然you still missed the subject on the beaches as well as on the bar stools
                      • Whiskey-friendly Romanticism is categorically distinctive from that tanning on beaches. Got it? I can’t be more specifically explanatory, I just can’t. Trust me. +1
                        • 在我的句子里,subject 指的是浪漫的主体,人。你只是谈到了媒介而已。浪漫与否,取决于主体。 +1
                          • 我也认为媒介比主体起决定作用。代沟问题。
                            • 有可能。我是非常地old school。我对面的那个人,永远比我和她之间的媒介重要。
    • 酒吧有最多的浪漫机会,去酒吧主要是为了找浪漫 +1