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  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 急问:妈妈过几天要登陆,却发现langding paper上居然写的我的地址是原来我登陆的地址,早已经不在那个城市了,是不是妈妈登陆的时候见移民官直接改地址就好呢?还是现在应该通知移民局。整个申请过程我一直用的现在地址呀,不知道怎么搞的。多谢大家帮忙
    • 问题真多!:) 1) change your address at www.cic.gc.ca; 2) let ur mom tell IMMI officer at the airport the new address and CONFIRM that will be the one to mail pr card; 3) no problem to stay in Vancouver. PR card will be sent to her in 4 wks.
      • 能具体说一下到www.cic.gc.ca上怎么改地址吗?谢谢!
        • go there then you will find the link on the right side of its home page. don't be lazy, just go there and look for it.