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  • 工作学习 / 职位情报 / hi,everyone, our company is hiring the java developer , if you are good at playing ping-pong, i can be reference... :-) 403-208-2600
    • Why good at playing ping-pong? Is it in the job description?
      • sorry, our company is hiring the java developer, if you are good at java, you can call this number, if you are good at java and ping-pong, i can be reference,,,,-:)
    • play ping-pong? 目的不纯吗。403是什么地方?
      • Calgary
    • where are you located ? Ping-Pang ?! Is it ture if I win playing PingPang , I'll be qualified to win this position . hehe//
    • hehe, My java is so so, but I believe I could win you ping-pang,is it possible for us to play ping-pang only? anyway, you are so kind puting the job information here.
    • I am very good at Java, and have been a Java developer for 5 years.but my ping pang is soso. Will you be the reference in this case? I will practice my pingpang from today. :)
    • is the position still available?
      I am good at both java and pingpang