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  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / Too smart to get a date! pls read a Chinese girl‘s date story.
    • I think the guy she dated or her friend didn't tell the truth. Being too smart was just a polite excuse.
      • After reading the story again,I found that is not an excuse. It seemed that the heroin is smart indeed.
    • kinda over qualified during job interview, or he just made up an excuse to avoid negative thing lol
    • 就是hold不住呗。有些男的就喜欢找旗鼓相当或者他hold不住的,有些男的就喜欢找比他弱的。其实前一类更聪明一点,将来有孩子的话孩子的基因会更有可能往更好的方向发展。