


  • Just get bored and talk-don't take seriouly
    难啊! 网上找GG约会真不容易啊

    你有空的时候,他没空, 你没空,他有空。 有gg留电话,思想斗争半天打了,自己胆子太小也不敢交换号码,谁叫自己是女人。 见了吧,还必须看着舒服顺眼,人毕竟是有感觉感情的动物。 want sex, that's so easy! 可是是你想的sex码?

    20多岁的男生倒是容易,也可爱。可是我还没到当cougar的年龄啊, 还是喜欢成熟的,being a cougar dating younger boy, let's wait for 5 years. 在gas站加油鬼佬gg ask:"can I date a beautiful lady like you?" sigh...how come I have no feeling for them?

    I guess a pretty MBA like me probably end up sticking around the home and watching porn, you know what "意淫“ mean? That's me now!
    • 坦露自己的心迹 高,太高了。但不稳
    • try me out, but you have to be highly confident on yourself.
    • 该笨的时候就笨笨,因为做笨女人还是比较容易有幸福感。
    • hey, I sent you a msg before. What is your email add?