


  • Here is the website of the Children's Aid Society, http://www.casmt.on.ca/, which is in Toronto and aims to help and protect children in need. The 24-hour phone number is 416-924-4646.
    They have Chinese translators in service, and can provide legal assistance.

    At this point, Yu Ren's children will not be put in foster care of strangers, because they have grandparents , uncle and other family members. Their family members will discuss with lawyers and decide their future.
    • The children may be put in foster care of strangers, only if their relatives including their grandparents, uncle and so forth are not legally, characteristically and financially suitable for taking care of them.
      • I think "financially suitable" is the key here.
        • Not necessarily, they actually put children's physical safety first, which means financial stability is essential, but personalitical stability is important as well,
          such that foster parents can not be alcoholics or mentally sick people.
    • Yu Ren's family can contact with the Children's Aid Society to find out what benefits his children are entitled to, and where to get the govenment's financial help when his bank accounts are freezed up.
      The government's help is essential and fundamental, because that is what we tax-payers' money go for. When we are in need, the government has the responsibility to help.
    • I actually called that number and wanted to get the infomation for them, but the counselor told me that I was not qualified to ask those questions, because I was just a friend, but not a family member.
      So Yu Ren's family is the only one who can make it.