


  • 今日TSX成交量比昨日更大,看来,机构卖出的有可能又买回。尝试进基金
    • 昨日各大指数都在重要支撑点下一点,若今日再跌,就是真破,但今日大幅度反转,且成交量比昨日更大,说明昨日有可能是假跌破。个股最好买右腿,但 基金可以买左腿、。 YMYD
      • 请指教下,在哪里可以看盘中成交量和比较成交量,谢谢
        • 用quotetrakers实时看的。
      • 左腿/右腿指的是什么?
        • 左腿/右腿 means whether a sotck is in down or up trend; most gurus here agree that buying or even chase in at upper trend stock is way safer than try to buy at down time (e.g. take the flying dagger when a stock is pouring down) ; YMYD
        • e.g. chase in today (but at 右腿) is way safer than try to got some yesterday (buy at 左腿) to gamble the market is almost reach short term bottom;
        • w形态两条腿
        • but this practice only safer when in long bull market; if in bear market , due to each next wave will be lower, buy 右腿 will only increase your lost; in clear bear market, short or buy nothing; YMYD;