


  • colourwolf(色狼), urgent, did you see the news of KRI.to? Did you still hold your shares? Is it a very bad news which won't be recovered or this is a good chance to buy more to average down the cost? Thanks!
    • I might average down. This is bad news, but today is not the time to get out.
      • Thank you for your reply. What' s the target price in your mind to get more to average down? Could you make a call here? Thanks a lot.
        • That I don't know yet. below 1.5?
          • It's below 1.5 already?! Do you think this news change the fundametal of the company or not? Anyway, it doesn't make sense to sell it at this time. I guess I have to hold long.
            In case you find it's time to get out of it completely, please call in this forum. Thanks!!!