


  • time to buy dig? or wait?
    • my system told me you can buy LIHR below 18.8. You can sell it today or tomorrow with at least 3% gain or with target price 20. -- i wont buy because it's not perfect for me. if you want to gamble, try.
      • Let me mark it and come back tomorrow to see if Market agrees with you. Good Luck.
      • Yes. The trend line looks great. And it is gold stock. So far, I agree this is a safe play.
        • it is gold stock -- that's why i call it a gamble.
          • thanks! but the volume is too smalll. dig down from $31 to $24.
            • to me, volume is OK as long as it's above 100K.
            • The daily chart does not look so good. If you hold it for days, then you may want to see a big volume goes in. If the market crash, gold stock will surge higher. Use SPX as an indicator.
      • if you bought it at 18.72 yesterday, now it is 19.4. 4% gain.
        • pei fu you two.can you give us more suggestions?thanks!