


  • 大侠们:黄金已到784的高位,下周前三天应该是回调还是继续走高??hgd 和 hgu 之争。。周四可以揭晓 !。请各述己见。。。
    • 有点难度吧?? 黄金长期看好,可短期走势难预测呀。。。。。。
      • 呵呵,我来算一卦。XGD上周前两天反弹无量,第三天量有所放大却走出了长阴,当日看来反弹基本失败,第四天,也就是昨天,估计大多数短线的止损是反弹第二天的收盘价,XGD终于放量护盘成功,确立了反弹趋势。下周应该能上27,后面操作关键看量。
        • xgd or hgu ??????
          • 两只是一回事。分析要看XGD,HGU是当天结算的margin指数基金,不适合技术分析。比如股市每天等幅震荡的话,XGD最后在原 价位没动,HGU就跌到0了。
      • 黄今vs加元真的看涨吗???未必 !
        Gold has done nothing in Canadian dollars really in the last 3 months.

        It is a US dollar story. some new buyers of the ishares don't seem to understand this fact.

        Gold was $606 Canadian in Dec 2005, it has only gone up to $750 Canadian in two years. Most of that 25% gain happened between Jan 2006 and july 2006.

        That is why XGD has been in a down trend channel since the May 2006.

        It hit the top of this long term down trend channel and backed off this week.

        The cost of mining are going up faster than the price of gold.

        The risk of XGD going down are way higher than it going up further, any significant mining company releasing a bad quarter will knock all the miners way down and XGD could be back at $56 quickly to it's resistance level.
        • 很独特的观点,你是引用的什么资料呢还是你自己的分析呢? 还有相关的信息吗?很想在多了解点。多谢!!
          • just my 2 cents.....xixi.....I dont wanna get ppl confused
        • 加元升值从基本上蚕食了很多基金/ETF的YTD受益。但是,几乎所有的人都认为1.0375的 汇率不是加国经济的真实反应。

    • GLD \ XGD ---