


  • 请大家分析分析,感觉金融股要狂动了,ABK,ETFC,CPF 一旦出现大量7%-10%当天涨幅,可短线赌博玩; 其同类MBI,PMI均已调整到位;YMYD
    • WFC 已突破,BAC,JPM 几乎到了突破的边缘,根据现在的事实,某个银行估计3季度报表出乎意料的好,等着瞧吧;
      • 银行Q3赢利肯定的,政府帮他们买了单,又注资,银行又裁员,08Q3有史最差,股市上扬,同比肯定赢利,只有超予期才行.营收是不是真上升是关键
        • GS放出风声说低估了大银行的盈利能力,肯定是BAC的报表会让人惊喜。呵呵,反正拿着BAC不会错的。
      • 你的意思是花儿街整了个伏笔?
      • Be careful and drive safely. Anything can happen at these levels. Nobody knows how much already factored in the share prices and selling on news is not uncommon here.
        I have been holding BAC at $12 and I do not really see $20 any time soon. I really hope I am wrong.
        • 是的是的。技术上讲BAC还没真的突破呢,呵呵。讲起来我12的BAC,17的时候就走了,后来换了FRE,1.61进的。好像有点失策。哈哈
        • 无非two options嘛, 不过我对大盘乐观滴, 所以金融地产应该都不错,嘿嘿
          • How did you prepare yourself for the SEC investigation of KB homes? How do we know it is not a home builder industry issue?
    • yes, it's much safer if chase in unless BAC above 18.50$