


  • 介绍一只不错的股票MTB (Manitoba Telecom Services). P/E = 8.58. $46.66. 每季度分红60c. 可短炒可长期拥有。
    • MBT
    • 又看了一下五年的图,这只股票怎么就只震荡,不成长啊。
    • 这只股票有点更年期了,40-50之间,高不成,低不就。不能长期持有,在40.50$时 买进,49$卖出。
    • 我怎么都看不出八波浪循环!!这只股票是异形
    • You made a huge mistake. P/E=18
      • Google Finance is more accurate for the P/E number than other places (yahoo, msn, etc.). Price now = $46.65, EPS = 5.44, so P/E = 46.65/5.44 = 8.58.
        • 但是这只股票好象就是无法突破50$。可能跟市场有关。没有成长。
          • Agree it's not a hot stock as BCE or Telus. But they bought allstream (i.e. AT&T Canada, controlling the trans-canada telecom line) years ago and still need some time to consolidate.