


  • 不会做空的人,只有再等机会再做多了。 否则,站岗放哨没有加班费。市场是无情的。会做空的朋友,恭喜你们了!
    • It's hard to short US stocks with some of the Canadian brokerages, they don't have enough to lend. Maybe TD waterhouse has an advantage 'coz they also operate in US? Otherwise, just hafta pay a premium to trade options.
      • Try IB. IB is the best for US Stocks
        • but i heard scary stories from IB users. Such as market orders were not filled. I don't like being taken advantage of by their own traders.
          • My friends and I use IB for quite long time. Up till now, everything is normal as I expected. I like it. I do a lot of future and option trade there. Very low commision fee only for active trader.
            • If you could do me a favor, it would be really appreciated. If you could check "CLWR", "VMW", "EFUT", "CPY" to see whether short sell orders could go through. I would be really appreciated!!!!!! I am gonna open that IB account right away.........
              • 首先,我不是 IB 的托。 和 IB没有任何关系。另外,我很少做股票。每个股票分析起来太累。我用IB只做e-mini sp500 和 option 和外汇期货。关于你这几个股票能不能做Short, 光看技术面没有用。所以,我不可能花时间去研究的,请谅解。我一年只玩3到5个股票。
                • Sorry my miscommunication...
                  I just wanted to see if IB would accept my short orders for the 4 stocks mentioned. If they don't, they are the same as my brokerage... Thanks a lot anyway! :-)
                  • lol. OK. Maybe I can try it later, but not all stocks can be shorted. there is restriction there. If the above stocks you mentioned can accept the short order, that means the IB plateform will excute that.
                    • Thanks!!
                  • And b4 you place the order, please ask IB to make sure. I know some stocks under $5 can not excute short action.
              • 我试了一下, 你以上所说的股票, 在IB 上都可以做Short. 只要你Margin 够.
                • Thank you so much for your time and help!! Time to open up an IB account!!!
            • 我感觉IB似乎没有不能short的股票. 我只管卖出我没有的股票就行了. 不过, 请问 scottee(笑熬浆糊)和各位大侠, 我卖出了我没有的股票, 我最长多少天才必须买进还给IB?
              • 只要你Margin 够, 或你的方向对. 没有时间限制.
                • IB 的margin好象是1:2, 就是我有1万块, 就可以最多买2万的股票. 我说得对吗? 另外, 我跟IB借了股票去short, 费用是怎样的? 利率很高吗? 我没在我的statement看到什么费用. 除了Waterhouse心里感觉保险些, 实际上IB确实比它强不少.
                  • margin 的问题是对的。 除了一股/一分 钱的费用, 无利率. 具体看网站或打电话给客服.
                • 另外, Waterhouse是你有多少美元, 加上margin, 你只能买那么多的股票. IB是只要你有钱, 不管是美元还是加元, 都可以用. 相当于是向IB借你没有的钱, 以你有的做抵押. scottee(笑熬浆糊)和各位大侠, 我没说错吧.
                  • 美元和加元的手续费, 你要留意
    • 啥做多做空的,都不会。正好静心胡侃,充电~
    • 不是不会. 是不能.
      • 换个平台,就可以了。
        • 谢谢建议.不是平台的事.
          • 正反手都会起板的选手,一定比较有利。
    • Can you tell what is IB?
      • Interactive Brokers http://individuals.interactivebrokers.com/en/software/twsDisclaimer.php?ib_entity=llc
        • 借贴请教前辈, 做外汇的平台是? 上次你说过的, 找不到了; 如果觉得自己还不行, 做关于汇率的ETF, 上次你也提过几个, 还是搜索不到了,...多谢!
          • 1. 大家都是同辈. 2. 我没有说过有汇率的ETF,事实上我根本没做过.3. 外汇平台很多. 如果你有兴趣的话,
            可以PM 给我.我们详细谈. 4. IB 我只是用来做e-mini sp500 和 option 和外汇期货.5.外汇风险巨大. 目前看来, 是所有投机品种中, 最难掌握的一种. 你可以开个Demo 盘试一下.
            • Google搜索"Currency ETF",但如果开了外汇账户这就没有必要了,管理费偏高。
              • Thanks.I got it. http://etf.stock-encyclopedia.com/category/currency-etfs.html