


  • 大侠们,你们怎么看ADCT, 前两天买的17.7,立场不坚定走了,结果这两天不跌,反涨,为什么呢?请高手赐教, 谢谢。
    • Since you are not confident in making any decision yourself, you had better stay away from this stock. It's not a big deal to miss a trade, but it will be very painful if you chase and get trapped.
      • 菜鸟,确实对自己没信心。但你能解释解释这个案例吗,我好学习学习,谢谢。
        • The 1-yr trading range of ADCT is between 16 and 20. Now it is approaching its upper limit of $20. Not good stock for trading. If it breaks up $20 on big volume, it will be a long story.