


  • 发现一个现象,在我的IB里, IYR 的ask 价比 bid 价还要低,发现这个现象有几次了,而且持续很长时间
    • 没有用的。这说明交投很不活跃。
      • 怎么会这样呢?成交量有差不多7M 啊
      • 以前AAPL 的一个 Call option 也见过这现象,但是用 ask 价去买根本买不到
        • 会不会是ask要一笔成交(All or None),即如果买量不多于卖量是不可以成交的。
    • Not a surprise. It is data error from some market makers. However, it could kill you if you have no idea of this.
      Last Tuesday, when the market dropped, I took an OIH short position. However, the quote and chart were inconsistent. As a result, I had to cover my short position immediately. As a result, a good short trade had been screwed up. We often meet such unhappy situations, but we hvae to face them.