


  • 请问:明天的job report 几点出呀
    • Breaking News: 失业率5%, 创近年来新高, 等待暴跌吧
      • should we sell the stocks on hand? or hold to see what will happen late this month? I mean to see the situation after the rate-cut decision from FED?
        • 你现在SELL也太晚了吧?大盘从圣诞节之后开始连拉6 根阴线, 从技术图形看处于超卖区。
          • will I lose more money if I keep my stocks?please give me some comments, many thanks
            • 个股有个股的情况不好说
              • I bought BGC at $73.7 and STP @$82.38, how do u think? I know you are experience, please give me some suggestion, thanks
                • 对这两股基本面都不是很了解,也没做过,看看坛子里的其它大侠有什么建议
    • http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/jobless-rate-jumps-5-payroll/story.aspx?guid={15CF3816-B14F-464F-80C3-2C7299E10650}&siteid=yahoomy
    • does this bad news will affect the chinese market. will the chinese market fall down tomorrow? how long will the bad news keep affecting the market generally?
      • HOW LONG? 除非有什么特大好消息出来