


  • 我听说:短线和长线的税率是34%和15%之差,这是怎么回事?如果亏钱呢?好象听说只有百分之多少才报税吗?今年股市这样,还要这么重收税吗?谢谢!
    • First make sure you make money. Most people are losing money. Who cares the tax rate?
    • 那是美国吧,加拿大都一样,50%的收益要报税。
    • 如果是职业炒股的,100%的赢利都要报税,当然亏损也是100%报。所谓的职业炒股,要符合几个条件的,具体忘了。
      • CRA may argue that gains realized are full taxable as ordinary income( and losses full deductible). Factor which CRA would review in assessing whether trading is speculative in nature include:
        1. Short periods of ownership
        2. A history of extensive buying and selling of shares or quick turnover of securities
        3. Substantial investment of time spent studying the market and investigating petential purchase
        4. Financing share purchases primarily on margin or some other form of debt
        5, The nature of the share ( i.e. speculative, non-dividend type)