


  • 锦涛同志一句话,股市就涨了8%。面豆同学,你还怀疑“我党”的能力吗?
    • 很多年前一个股人对我说,股市人生的精华在于:“听老婆的话,跟共产党走”。
      • "听老婆的话,跟共产党走”, 确是在中国股市成功的不二法门,呵呵
        • yes
          • 看起来middle-class兄也是深有体会了-:)
    • Man, don' t be provocative to others. You will be timed out for 1 day
      • 千古奇冤,肉联一豆。同坛操戈,相煎何急!!!!!!!

        Q: 要救市也是市场崩溃才会救,而且最多是托市不让跌而已(“我党”有没有这个能力?暂且假设有)。难道它能从3500点救到5500点? -joen(面豆儿); 2.3 14:33 (#21509@43) Reply

        A: 锦涛同志一句话,股市就涨了8%。面豆同学,你还怀疑“我党”的能力吗? 以前我党说了,要进行风险教育,股市从6100跌到4800。股市到了4200,我党有说了,抓经济要稳定,不要大起大落,股市就一口气奔到4700。这个还没有运用什么降息手段呢。不信布什说句话,你看美国股市能不能涨8%。

        • I believe you guys are well-willed. But some of your debates have already been so white-hot and some personal insults had already appeared before that. As a result, I have to wipe out all the postings there.
          If you guys keep arguing and debating on those big topics, I can assure you some of you will lose money, lose big. In the market, one should not be strongly opinioned. Trade on what you see, not what you believe.

          Last year, I lost money on AMZN. After I got trapped, I visited Yahoo AMZN message board for some time. It seemed to me all of those shorts said something right. They had 1 million reasons to curse Bill Miller (biggest AMZN share holder) and Jeff Benzos (AMZN founder and CEO). But I can tell you shorts lost huge, and some of them were wiped out.

          It is fine with me for you to argue and debate here, as long as nobody get personal. As a trader, however, it is more important to listen to others than speak out his opinions to prove or disprove something.
          • 好,谢谢。你的建议被采纳。我就少说几句了。其实我的投资都是长线。所以不在乎 一时的涨跌。我的经验是,做基金投资,入市点比出市点重要。现在熊气一片,是 入市良机。
            • I always want to know 长线 is for how long.
              • For me, 3months - 6 months. Some people prefer 6m - years.
                • 原来是做 Tactical Asset Allocation的高手. 顺便问下, LINUX下我没法输入中文. 有什么好方法?
    • 一般俺不爱说这话,您多大了?
      • 你是问你楼上那个还是最顶上那个?
    • 不错,至少表明你神经还没麻木,比我强~
    • 美股被花儿街的财团和基金掌控,A股被我党掌控。不过论调控能力,还是我党厉害。炒股多研究政策,绝对没错。
    • 你党早晚把股市搞崩
      • 花儿街已经把美股送上了不归的崩溃路,我党跟进一下也不出意外啊