


  • 钻石,请问我看好bgc, 准备在50-53进入, 这个能抢反弹吗?
    • I have never traded on this stock. I think you and I share a common problem: Trade on too many stocks. I plan to narrow down to about 7-10 stocks and not to be lured by others.
      • 谢谢,能不能透露你准备focus on哪几个股?
        • OK, but don't take it serious. TWM; MOS,CF;BSC,MER,FNM;OIH;SPWR,FSLR. My gut tells me that agricutural stocks will be brought down again...Brokers are good proxies of SPY. I watch SPY but do not trade on SPY
          • agricutural stocks will be brought down again-你得意思是可以等低价进入,还是你准备做空农业股?
            • If I see MOS roars like a rocket, I will short sell. However, I need to consider how strong the broad market is. This is a tough decision, because everybody believes the agr stocks are bullish.
              • 是的,如果做空农业股真得要眼疾手快呀。还有,那个twm现在很高位,一旦反弹会否落得很快,我也在关注它。
                • TWM has a very high volatility. Whenever SPY pops up, if falls like a stone. It is more like an option. When there is low volatility, TWM moves like a grandma.
            • If I go long MOS, I will not use stocks. Instead, I will use bull call spreads. The reason is simple: I may be wrong. So I need to use neutral-to-bullish bets. If you load stocks directly and get trapped, it will be very difficult to escape.