


  • time to buy seed or wait for lower price later? thanks!
    • why agriculture futures down.
      • When one gets margin calls, he first sell the most liquid ones. This is one explanation. Some call this a correction. Some say this is the end of commodity run. For oil and gold and other metals, I am not sure. I believe ag will quickly rebound.
        I bought some today, and plan to add more if they continue to drop. I tend to sell when the market goes up. At the end of yesterday, I had only 50 shares of bidu left. And 1 share of EWZ. Totally 51 shares.

        Of all ag stocks, I only like POT, MOS, MON. I only added POT today.

        Sometimes they recover very quickly, like a few days ago, they recovered the second day. Sometimes it took one or two weeks.

        Sometimes a big drop will be followed another one or two big drop days. So you should buy partially. If it only drops one or two days, you at least get some in your hands. If it drops more, you buy some more.