


  • Short oil满仓。美元走强,油该跌不跌,请那位大师给指点指点?
    • 我是给大师算命的,比大师还厉害。给你也看一下吧。Oil jumped 10% in 4 sessions, so you should get some pennies. I am short of OIH ETF, which is safer than USO.
      • more safe is buy dug. dug is double short oil and gas. oil fall, dug goes up, todayd even oil rise and gas rise, dug still rise 2%....
        • Sorry I can't agree with you. During the past year, DUG dropped 38% and in a downtrend. Any popups of DUG will be short-lived. OIH is different...
          OIH cannot rise indefinitely, because people still pay attention to the PEs of its componet stocks. In addition, investors take profits regularly from OIH.
      • Why is oih better than USO?
        • 所有的债券分析都是瞎蒙。So our trades must be based upon the worse case. If oil runs up all the way from 123 to 150, can you survive?
          1. OIH is a bunch of stocks. They follow oil prices but will not run up in complete sync with oil. For USO, it will be another story, becuase it will be in parallel with oil prices.

          2. OIH is optionable, so I can short by sell naked calls. Taking advantage of time decay, I can easily break even if I am wrong. USO is not optionable, so you have to short sell it directly. If you are wrong, you have no way to save yourself but pray.

          It is not too bad to admit that we ourselves can be wrong, sometimse deadly wrong. We need some buffers in trade for our misjudgement, even plain mistakes. I don't establish the success of my trade upon the preciseness of my analyses.
          • I see. But I didn't play option(short/put) and have no experience. So I have to buy hod.to or hed.to. I'll use a little money to learn how to play option in the future.
            • 多谢诸位!又学了几招。我买的HOD.TO,王老五大师的OIH相当于金子的HGU.TO?难以相信油会一气到150,对各行各业影响太大了吧!
              • I did not mean oil will run from 123 to 150 without a pause. But we must imagine that scenario. 期货是很凶的,涨起来或跌起来都往私处整。
                • 天哪,往私处整
                  • 对头,对头。期货容易操纵逼空。
              • 王老五大师?是不是跟<<红楼梦>>里的王一贴是一家的?
              • 还是小心点,设好止损位,oil怎么疯都有可能,目前还是多方控盘。
    • 最新:美总统要求OPEC增产,希望油价回落。
      • 最旧消息:美国要换总统啦。:)