


  • JIM, why HBU went up 3%+ but HGU went down?
    • HBU是跟踪黄金,而HGU是跟踪SPTGD. HGU不仅仅与黄金有关,有时还受大盘的影响。通常有一种说法,金股超前于金,从02年黄金扭市开始到06年是这样,但之后出现滞后的现象。今日这种现象对多方不利。若按着这种现象解释,黄金可能会跟着跌
      • 明天石油的价格会回落。
        • you said "HOD.TO Negative." I think it is sell signal. price is up :)
          • You do not have to sell hod.to. Because right now oil is at its top. The oil price swings from one side to another with very big range in one day. This means it is not stable. The buyers and sellers do not have enough confidence to hold it for long.