


  • 眼空蓄泪泪空垂,暗撒闲抛却为谁? 正反耳光股市挨,叫人焉能不伤悲?
    • What happen?Get hurt?Who did that?
      • Nothing happened today with me. But I believe most of us have ever been wrong on both sides of trade.
    • 看来老五兄还是个红迷呀
      • 正是。看看红楼,有助炒股。君不见:乱哄哄你方唱罢我登场,反认他乡是故乡。甚荒唐,到头来都是为他人作嫁衣裳。
    • 五兄不必这么英雄气短吗,看我的:止损赔钱终不悔,为股消得人憔悴
      • 彼此彼此. One of my accounts has 20% gain in March. Then, I lost control of myself and made a deadly mistake in disciplining--I returned all of that 20% gain to the market.
        Usually I manage the risk by contoling the sise of my position. On that losing trade, I suddenly got emotional and kept adding the position when the trade went against me. Technically, my bet is not really wrong. It's the big size of my position (relative to my asset in the account) that killed me. After I increased the size of my position, the trade went further against me. I found I may be wiped out so I liquidated all of my positions unconditionally.

        Although we say we should not make any bets that we cannot afford, I had never understood that better before.
    • 老五,别泄气,在股市那么多年,我的脸早肿了。
      • 纪律上出问题,是不能随便原谅的。这方面,浆糊是老师
    • 位五兄说话让人伤心. 你若是技术好, 能看好股指的上下这幅度, 我便能说出时间前后的涨跌. 还是要盘上的, 五月初回调. 大的年中调整在六月. 有时空仓不会咬你butt.祝君好运. 耳发热时, 要离场. 切记切记.
      • My problem has nothing to do with my techniques. I made some stupid bets on a bio stock ... It is a disciplining issue
        • don't say that, you are pretty good actually.
        • 纪律上出问题? dont understand?
          • me too
              • Stay calm :) 纪律就是自己定下的或公认的规矩,比如不要把太多的或本钱统统压在一个股票上。一旦看错,难以翻身。就这样子。
                • oh, ok then. i just wanna what kind of disciplines in trading so that i wont commit the same problems :) )) thx dusk.
        • Come on, buddy. Losing right is the hardest thing for all of us.