


  • 看了看市场新闻,感觉了一下大盘,上来冒个泡泡:经济消息越来越坏,市场气氛人心涣散,石油高企挑战神经,大盘动荡局势不安。下潜...。。o0O
    • u mean, canadian idx? a u still holding HXD? what's ur target sell price?
      • 19.99
        • so high :O I can not stop thinking to sell it this morning...it increases a lot in a short time. Maybe u'r right..Cad. index increases too much this year till now..it's time for pullback.
          • 关键看MA50均线以及前两次低点14500是否能在本周被突破。一旦突破,MA200在13700附近。从14500到13700,800点一马平川,毫无阻挡。空军将势如破竹。多空双方会在14500~14550点打一场消耗战的。然后在14000~14050,会有些零星抵抗。
            • you can celebrate the hxd now
              • I am still holding it. TSX has not bottomed yet. 下潜...。。。o0O
            • 进步巨大,像俄罗斯。
              • 谢夸奖! 没想到今天这么迅速地突破了50天均线。这到让我有点担心了。明天下午FED的会议结果会不会有惊奇,在潜水中思考对策...。。。o0O
                • 这几天石油比较坚挺,尼日利亚方面有点问题。沙特上周日宣布增产20万桶/天后,科威特表示将从明年中期起增产30万桶/天。炒作的最大题材就是不可再生,总有曲终人散的一天,不会遥远,大约在冬季。TSX下跌趋势不会变。
    • Agree. My personal opinion is Canadian economy will follow the States and go down. I am still holding all cash but plan to buy some HXD. However, you may need to be aware the centre banks may try to bail the economy out.
      • ACTION。已经跌了很多了。行动要快。股市是战场。战机不可失。
        • I have the patience to wait for another opportunity. TSX will not go diving. It will come back since Oil is still reasonably strong.
          • reasonably strong? The reason why market goes down is because oil is irrationally strong.
            • Oil may go down in long term but not easily. At this time, in my personal opinion, short TSX will be safer than short DOW.
              • you mean buy Hxd.to
          • Long time ago, I have a post saying that oil above 130 ( the result ia 135$) will trigger Dow sell off.
            And I also said that, in short period of time, let us say 3~ 6 motn, if oil is 150$ for 1 month, then dow is 10500. If DOW is 170$ for 2 months, then DOW is 9500. If oil is 200 for 3 months, then we are all the street begging for food.