


  • 请教一下:S&P/TSX 60 Capped 和 S&P/TSX 60究竟有什么区别?我查了,他 们的构成成员是相同的。但是指数不同。为什么?
    • 区别就在 Capped, 控制权重的,为了防止象NT那种情况重现的。现在一样,是因为没有权重大的家伙出生。。。
      • What is Capped? Detail please.
        • The S&P/TSX 60 Capped Index includes all of the constituents of the S&P/TSX 60 Index. The relative weight of any single index constituent is capped at 10%.
          • how to calculate the weight of a single index constituent? by market cap?