


  • it.uncle, should we sell out HFU.to? I guess from TA, we should do that.
    • Please refer to my post, #41860@43, you should get out this morning. I am on HFD now -:)
    • BTW,根据今天的实例,我希望这个坛子更多的朋友相信技术分析。技术分析不是科 学,是心理学。是人们的购买心理。反向思维一下,问题不是你信不信,而是专业 的MM们,DT们信不信的问题。最早的技术分析,是日本人发明的,源自于米价的研 究。
      • Thanks for your reply. It's too late. I am still holding HFU.to. I dare not buy HFD.to because I don't have time to switch quickly between the two. I am thinking to hold HFU.to longer if I believe generally financial is low right now.
      • 说的非常好,技术分析不是科学,而是心理学。