


  • the market will be down tomorrow,i just guess. no reason.
    • 会走高。
      • by common sense, it'll be up,but sometimes wstreet didn't follow.
        • It will up in the morning:). This rebounce could have only 5-10%, trapped too much people last week. When market go back there, would trigger huge sell. Market would dangling there for a while until get new direction.
    • 今天收了一个很明显的spike. 从图形上看是个短期底部, 猜想明天会跳空走高, 后天再小跌一下. 之后就走一步算一步了.
    • i think it is hard to guess at this kind of turmoil market. When $700B bailout was approved, I thought market would be up sharply. But actually I was down a lot that day!
    • my prediction for today's market is right so far. but it didn't follow may pattern:down then up little.wall street always change pattern.
      • solar down too much.
        • tomorrow's market will be up? it down 4 days already.nobody can bear this suffering.
          • i wanted to buy aig @3.51, aig reached this price,but td broker didn't buy, why?
        • Yes, it's way overdone and oversold.